At AwwNewTab, we are proud to have a team of authors who are not just writers but true tech enthusiasts. They come from various backgrounds, bringing a rich tapestry of experiences and perspectives to our content. This diversity is the driving force behind our comprehensive and insightful articles.
Experts in Their Fields
Our authors are seasoned professionals, each with a deep understanding of Chrome technology. They include experienced tech journalists, industry analysts, gadget reviewers, and ChromeOS developers. This blend of expertise ensures that our content is not only well-written but also technically sound and informative.
Passionate and Committed
Passion for technology is the common thread that binds all our authors. They are dedicated to exploring every nook and cranny of Chrome devices and software, driven by a genuine desire to educate, inform, and engage our readers. Their commitment is reflected in the quality and depth of our tutorials, reviews, and news articles.
Engaging Storytellers
Our authors excel in transforming complex technical topics into engaging narratives. They understand that a great article is not just about conveying information but also about capturing the reader’s interest and keeping them engaged.
Meet Our Authors
- Alex Dunne: Founder and Lead Author. Alex’s journey with tech gadgets began as a personal passion, which eventually led to the creation of AwwNewTab. He specializes in Chrome OS and Google Workspace, bringing a wealth of knowledge from his hands-on experiences.
- Robby Dameron: Co-Founder and Senior Editor. Robby’s expertise lies in gadget reviews and industry analysis. His keen eye for detail and deep understanding of market trends make him an invaluable asset to the team.
Continuous Learning and Sharing
Our authors are committed to continuous learning, staying abreast of the latest developments in the tech world. This ongoing education is not just for their benefit; it’s a commitment to our readers to provide the most current and relevant information.
Your Guides Through the World of Chrome
Consider our authors as your personal guides in the ever-evolving landscape of Chrome technology. They are here not just to inform you but to journey with you as you explore and master your Chrome devices.
At AwwNewTab, our authors are more than just names on a screen. They are the heartbeat of our community, constantly striving to bring you the best in Chrome tech content.